Project aims at stimulating R&D activities associated with microalgae biotechnology toward applications in health, cosmetics and aquaculture
Development of innovating biomedical products from marine resources valorization of European Marine Biological Laboratories, EU-FP7/227799 (2009-2013)
http://www.assemblemarine.orgAlgarve-Andalucía cooperation for the development of ecological sustainable aquaculture production system, INTERREG IV A POCTEP/0251 (2008-2012)
View Project DetailsImplementation of natural spawning for marine fish species in culture – Improving the quality of offspring and animal welfare, FP7-SME/232305 (2009-2012)
http://prospawn.akvaplan.comSustainable extensive and semi-intensive coastal aquaculture in Southern Europe, EU-FP6/SSP/2005/044483 (2007-2010)
View Project DetailsAlgarve-Andalucía cooperation for promotion of the marine aquaculture resources in the South-Atlantic coast, INTERREG III A PROMAR/SP5.P117/03 (2006-2008)
Marine Genomics Europe Network of Excellence, EU-FP6/GOCE-CT-2004-505403 (2005-2008)
http://www.marine-genomics-europe.orgFunctional genomics using marine fish cell lines, EU-FP6/GOCE-CT-2004-505403 (2005-2008)
Download PDF Download Excel data baseAnalysis of the impact of perkinsosis in European shell fish industries, EU-FP7/SSA/FOOD/044442 (2007)
Effect of environmental factors in the infection of clam Ruditapes decussatus populations by Perkinsus atlanticus, EU-FEDER/MARE/22-05-01/FDR-00020 (2004-2006)
Skeletal development, alterations and malformations during larval ontogeny of species with interest for aquaculture. Molecular, cellular and biochemical approaches, MCYT-AGL2003/03558 (2003-2006)
Estimation of population size in Norway lobster, a new methodology, EU-DGXII/
C1-96.06 (1998-2000)
Development of mussel-specific expression vectors suitable for transgenic organisms: implications on the establishment of mollusc continuous cell lines EU/AIR3/CT94/2487 (1995-1998) de produtos comerciais formulados com microalgas para o enriquecimento de presas vivas de peixe-zebra
Desenvolvimento e implementação de alimentos suplementados em macroalgas ricas em vitamina K no cultivo de linguado (Solea senegalensis)
Novo compostos marinhos como fonte nutricional para a melhoria da qualidade e bem-estar de peixes em aquacultura
Melhoramento do status nutricional em vitamina K: optimização da reprodução e da qualidade larvar de linguado
PROMAR project 31-03-05-FEP-0073
PI: Paulo Gavaia, CCMAR
Development of standard diets for zebrafish (Danio rerio), a model organism in biomedical research biology of deep-sea teleost fish
FCT/PTDC/MAR/119656/2010 (2012-2014)
PI: Vincent Laizé, CCMAR
Assessment of mineralogenic toxicity of aquatic pollutants.
FCT/PTDC/MAR/112992/2009 (2011-2014)
PI: Vincent Laizé, CCMAR
Laboratório Itinerante em Genética Molecular (2010-2014)
PI: M. Leonor Cancela, CCMAR/UALG
Effects of dietary vitamin K supplementation on growth and skeletal development of teleost fish
FCT/PTDC/MAR/105152/2008 (2010-2013)
PI: Paulo Gavaia, CCMAR
Development and characterization of zebrafish stem cells: implications for transgenesis, FCT/PTDC/MAR/105313/2008 (2010-2012) PI: V. Parameswaran, CCMAR
Characterization of isoprenoids biosynthesis and determination of potential therapeutic targets, FCT/PTDC/CVT/72083/2006 (2007-2010) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, CCMAR/UALG
Effects of xenobiotics in skeleton development and fin regeneration in fish, FCT/POCI/MAR/60883/2004 (2006-2008) PI: Paulo Gavaia, CCMAR
Characterization of the folate and purine metabolism in the protozoan parasite Perkinsus atlanticus: identification of genes involved in these pathways and potential therapeutic targets, FCT/POCI/CVT/57982/2004 (2005-2008) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, CCMAR/UALG
Spatial-temporal pattern of expression and regulation of matrix Gla protein during early development in Xenopus laevis, FCT/POCTI/BIA-BCM/58677/2004 (2005-2008) PI: Natércia Conceição, CCMAR
MGP functional role regarding local regulation of extracellular matrix mineralization, FCT/POCI/MAR/57921/2004 (2005-2008) PI: Dina Simes, CCMAR
Effect of extracellular calcium on MGP gene expression, FCT/POCTI/BCI/48748/2002 (2003-2006) PI: Vincent Laizé, CCMAR
Mineralization processes in marine and fresh water teleosts: function of Gla proteins (matrix Gla protein and osteocalcin), FCT/POCTI/CVT/42098/2001 (2003-2006) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, CCMAR/UALG
Development of a model of in vitro infestation adapted to the study of the host parasite interaction between the species Ruditapes decussatus and Perkinsus atlanticus. Obtention of results applicable on molusciculture, FCT/POCTI/C/BIO/12143/98 (2001-2004) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, CCMAR/UALG
Characterization of the endemic infection of the clam Ruditapes decussatus by the parasite Perkinsus atlanticus along the Portuguese coast, FCT/PDCTM/P/MAR/15308/1999 (2000-2003) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, CCMAR/UALG
Field effect transistor array for monitoring electrical activity from single cells in culture, FCT/POCTI/FIS/34668/99 (2001-2004) PI: Henrique Gomes, UALG
Molecular responses of algae resistant to salinity and desiccation, FCT/PRAXIS/P/BIO/12203/1998 (2000-2002) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, CCMAR/UALG
Function of bone Gla and matrix Gla proteins in fishes: studies on the mineralization of the extracellular matrix of bone, cartilage and non-calcified tissues, FCT/PRAXIS/BIA/11159/98 (1999-2001) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, CCMAR/UALG
Efeitos climáticos na ecologia de peixes litorais: Uma abordagem translatitudinal e fenológica, FCT/PRAXIS XXI/EMG/1957/95 (1997-2000) PI: R. Serrão Santos, DOP
Caracterização da expressão genética das proteínas matrix Gla e bone Gla em fases específicas do desenvolvimento embrionário e larvar da dourada Sparus aurata, FCT/PRAXIS XXI/BIO/469/94 (1996-2000) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, CCMAR/UALG
Utilização de processos biotecnológicos na valorização de microalgas, FCT/PRAXIS XXI/BIO/1065/95 (1996-1999) PI: R. Morais, ESB-UP
Establishing high performance algae industrial cultures for the production of biostimulants and functional feeds
Dietary fatty acids as modulators of bone metabolism in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata), FCT/PTDC/MAR/70855/2006 (2008-2011) PI: Jorge Dias, CCMAR
Ultrasound to enhance the nutritional status of eggs and yolk-feeding larvae: a novel nutritional tool to program growth potential and metabolic pathways in juvenile fish, FCT/PTDC/CVT/102481/2008 (2010-2013) PI: Jorge Dias, CCMAR
Epigenetic regulation of development and growth in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis), FCT/PTDC/MAR/110547/2009 (2011-2014) PI: Luisa Valente, CIMAR
Development of tools to analyse sperm quality in fish: implications for cryobanking, FCT/PTDC/MAR/64533/2006 (2008-2011) PI: Elsa Cabrita, CCMAR
Post-mortem changes in gilthead seabream muscle proteins: its implications to flesh texture, FCT/PTDC/MAR/70858/2006 (2008-2011) PI: Jorge Dias, CCMAR
Improved dietary nitrogen formulations for marine fish larvae: effects on growth performance and skeletal formation, FCT/PTDC/MAR/71685/2006 (2008-2011) PI: Luis Conceição, CCMAR
Basis for Norway lobster stocks assessment using information on larval production and ecology, FCT/POCI/BIA-BDE/59426/2004 (2006-2008) PI: Margarida Castro, CCMAR/UALG
Conservation of Bonelli’s Eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus) in the Mediterranean environment: ecology, demography genetics of Portuguese populations, FCT/PRAXIS/PCNA/C/BIA/132/96 (1997-2001) PI: Luis Fonseca, UALG
Effects of climate in the ecology of littoral fishes: a translatitudinal and phenotypical approach, FCT/PRAXIS XXI/EMG/1957/95 (1997-2000) PI: Ricardo Serrão Santos, Univ. Azores
A European Network for Connective Tissue Calcifying Diseases bringing together researchers and clinicians, patients, associations, public institutions and industries.
FITFISH is a research network to study fish swimming in wild fish, to better understand the interplay between migration, growth and reproduction, and in farmed fish.
Increase and facilitate the understanding of dental and oral facial biology by elucidating the molecular basis of normal and abnormal development as well as tissue regeneration and allowing development of novel clinical approaches.
Critical success factors for fish larval production in European Aquaculture: a multidisciplinary network to contribute to the scientific knowledge in order to support a sustainable development of aquaculture.
Assessing and improving the quality of aquatic animal gametes to enhance aquatic resources – The need to harmonize and standardize evolving methodologies, and improve transfer from academia to industry.
Regulation of skeletogenesis and tissue mineralization by microRNAs.
Funded by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG) (2008-2012) PI: Daniel Tiago, CCMAR
Monitoring otter Lutra lutra populations in the Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina (LONTRAS). Funded by Transgás Atlântico S.A. (2001-2004)
Bone Biology of deep-sea fish. Collaborative action with France (Jozée Sarrazin, Ifremer) Funded by the Gabinete de Relações Internacionais da Ciência e do Ensino Superior (GRICES) (2007-2008) PI: Vincent Laizé, CCMAR
Efeito da suplementação nutricional em vitaminas A e K em conjunto com ácidos gordos altamente insaturados no desenvolvimento e fisiologia esquelética de vertebrados marinhos: estudos comparativos in vitro e in vivo. Collaborative action with Spain (Enric Gisbert & Maria Darias, IRTA). Funded by the Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP), (2011-2012) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, UALG
Development of a seabream (Sparus aurata) pre-adipocyte cell line and its application to the study of adipocyte differentation and functional regulation. Collaborative action with Spain (Josep Planas, University of Barcelona) Funded by the Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP) (2005-2006) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, UALG
Tissue distribution, developmental appearance and regulation of expression of bone Gla protein in fish: comparison between marine and freshwater fishes. Collaborative action with Spain (Cármen Sarasquete, CSIC-Cadiz) Funded by the Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional (ICCTI) (2002/2003) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, UALG
Investigation of runx3 structure and function in zebrafish neural crest. Collaborative action with UK (Robert Kelsh, University of Bath) Funded by the Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP) and British Council (2007-2010) PI: M Leonor Cancela, UALG
The Runx2/Cbfa1 transcription factor: functional analysis using a novel approach in zebrafish. Collaborative action with UK (Robert Kelsh, University of Bath) Funded by the Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP) and British Council (2004/2006) PI: M Leonor Cancela, UALG
Investigation of bone Gla protein (BGP) and matrix Gla protein (MGP) function during embryonic development of seabream and zebrafish: an initial analysis of gene expression and function. Collaborative action with UK (Robert Kelsh, University of Bath) Funded by the Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP) and British Council (2000/2001) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, UALG
Molecular cloning, tissue distribution and developmental appearance of matrix Gla protein in the African frog Xenopus laevis. Collaborative action with the University of California San Diego (Paul Price) (1997-2001) PI: M. Leonor Cancela, CCMAR/UALG
Regulation and biosynthesis of vitamin K-dependent bone proteins (1990-1994) PI: Paul Price, UCSD/USA